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Commissioner of Police, Mr Paul Rolle care package and gift certificate giveaway in the Nassau Village Community
Posted on September 3, 2020 | by The Royal Bahamas Police Force

On Thursday 3rd September,2020, at 9:40am the Southeastern Divisional Leadership Team (DELT) led by Chief Superintendent Missick, accompanied by Sergeant 3277 Barr (Neighborhood Liaison Officer) and Corporal 3548 Nelson collaborated with the Urban Renewal Division led by Assistant Superintendent P. Scavella on the execution of the Senior Executive Leadership Team (SELT) visit and Care package distribution initiative, held at the Nassau Village Community Park.

Prior to the SELT arrival officers conducted a mini walkabout in the community to connect with residents, particularly senior citizens and the indigents. Those encountered were invited to the park to meet the Chief of Police who was on a mission to bring glad tidings.

ASP Pratt also engaged the young at heart and played a game of basket ball with them. The little ones were a bit advanced in the game and defeated the officer in a three point shoot out, 6 to 0. The photo insert depicts the reason why officer Pratt lost the game.

Commissioner Paul Rolle, accompanied by ACPs Craig Stubbs, Solomon Cash and Chief Superintendent Maxine Leary-Rolle escorted by Chief Superintendent D. Robinson (OIC Mobile Div) and Superintendent A.Rolle (National Crime Prevention Office) arrived promptly at 11:40am. The anxious residents from the Nassau Village Community were provided food vouchers in the sum of $40.00, water packages and face masks.

The Royal Bahamas Police Force continues to impact the lives of hundreds of residents in varied communities. There were some disappointments amongst those that arrived late and missed out on their blessings. However, they were encouraged and assured that Commissioner Rolle will return again bearing even greater gifts. Some 70 to 80 persons showed up for the treat. The team at SED is convinced that through this medium public confidence and trust will be restored.


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