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Statement From Commissioner Anthony Ferguson
Posted on January 21, 2020 | by The Royal Bahamas Police Force

Commissioner Anthony Ferguson wishes to advise the general public that as of Monday 20th January, 2020 officers have located and recovered a total of 71 deceased persons in the aftermath of Hurricane Dorian; sixty (60) deceased persons were recovered on the island of Abaco and eleven (11) on Grand Bahama.

Since some persons have not been seen or heard from since the passage of Hurricane Dorian, we are appealing to family members to file Missing Person Reports at Central Detective Unit on New Providence and Grand Bahama or at any police station on Abaco.

Condolences are extended to the families who have lost love ones during the hurricane. Please be assured that every effort is being made by the Royal Bahamas Police Force along with our local and international law enforcement partners to bring closure for everyone.

May God bless The Commonwealth of The Bahamas.


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